Human Rights Committee Eighty-ninth session New York, 12-30 March 2007 LIST OF ISSUES TO BE TAKEN UP IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONSIDERATION OF THE FOURTH PERIODIC REPORT OF AUSTRIA Constitutional and legal framework within which the Covenant and the Optional Protocol are implemented (art. 2) 1. Given that the Covenant has not been incorporated into domestic legislation, please indicate if and how individuals can invoke its dispositions before the Courts. Have there been any cases in which the Covenant has been applied by the Courts?
2. Is there any jurisdiction in which rights under the Covenant may be invoked? Constitutional and legal framework within which the Covenant is implemented (art. 2)
3. Please provide information on the complaints received, and the recommendations adopted, by the Ombudspersons for Equal Treatment and the Austrian Ombudsman's Board, as well as on any action taken in response to such recommendations. Are there any plans to establish a broad-based national human rights institution, in accordance with the Paris Principles (General Assembly resolution 48/134, annex)?
Hier der komplette
die fragen 1 bis 3 sind die für den Fall PERTERERl interessant. die österreichische regierung hat nun zeit bis zur sitzung im herbst, um antworten zu diesen fragen einzureichen, üblich ist das in schriftlicher form möglichst bis 4 wochen vor der sitzung in genf. falls diese antwort schriftlich eingereicht wird, wird sie ebenfalls im internet auf der homepage des office of the high commissioner for human rights veröffentlicht.
Hinweis Die vorstehende Information über die "list of issues" und das Procedere stammt von Amnesty International Österreich, wofür wir ein herzliches DANKESCHÖN sagen.