» Dr. Alexander HE Morawa -- Your Human Rights Advisor 
Dr. Wolfgang Lederbauer, who is represented before the Committee by Dr. ...
In a comparable case, Dr. Paul Perterer v. Austria, the HRC in July 2004 found ...

October 2005: Communication alleging breaches of due process in the course of the dismissal of an Austrian civil servant filed with the UN Human Rights Committee

In a Communication just submitted to the United Nations Human Rights Committee (HRC) under the Optional Protocol to the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR), a former Austrian Civil Servant complains of breaches of his rights to a fair and speedy trial by an independent and impartial tribunal pursuant to Article 14 (1), 2 (1) and 26 of the Covenant.

Dr. Wolfgang Lederbauer, who is represented before the Committee by Dr. Alexander H. E. Morawa, was an official at the Austrian General Audit Office (Rechnungshof) from 1981 until 1994, when he was suspended from office and ultimately dismissed for alleged misconduct by a disciplinary commission.  The dismissal was finally confirmed by the

Supreme Administrative Court
in March 2003, although some of the review proceedings have yet to be concluded domestically.

Supreme Administrative Court
in March 2003, although some of the review proceedings have yet to be concluded domestically.

The author complains in particular of breaches of his rights to a fair trial before an independent and impartial tribunal, to an oral hearing, to expeditious procedure, and to publicity of the proceedings.

In a comparable case, » Dr. Paul Perterer v. Austria, the HRC in July 2004 found breaches of Article 14 (1) of the Covenant.  Dr. Perter had also been represented by Dr. Alexander H. E. Morawa in the proceedings before the Committee.

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