SFH-0880 / Schreiben Dr. Perterer vom 23.08.2008 an den UN Hochkommissar für Menschenrechte

... die Behauptung der Österreichischen Bundesregierung, ich sei als Beschwerdeführer nicht wirklich an einer Regelung mit der Republik Österreich interessiert, ist eine glatte LÜGE ...

Dear Sir,

I would like to transmit to you a "Legal Statement" by Prof. Dr. Hollaender, head of the CENTER OF LEGAL RESEARCH at the University of Vienna. This Statement deals with the legal situation in Austria and the attempts of the Austrian Government to make you believe, that it is me, the complaint, who would have no interest in an amicable settlement. But that is not the truth.

I would like to transmit to you a "Legal Statement" by Prof. Dr. Hollaender, head of the CENTER OF LEGAL RESEARCH at the University of Vienna. This Statement deals with the legal situation in Austria and the attempts of the Austrian Government to make you believe, that it is me, the complaint, who would have no interest in an amicable settlement. But that is not the truth.

I would like to transmit to you a "Legal Statement" by Prof. Dr. Hollaender, head of the CENTER OF LEGAL RESEARCH at the University of Vienna. This Statement deals with the legal situation in Austria and the attempts of the Austrian Government to make you believe, that it is me, the complaint, who would have no interest in an amicable settlement. But that is not the truth.

» Brief Dr. Perterer vom 23.08.2008

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