SFH-141344   E mail an Präsident Trump Grenzmauer zwischen USA und Mexiko 10.1.2019 ( Englisch )

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Vienna, 10.1.2019

Boundary wall between USA and Mexico

Dear Mr President,

allow me to introduce myself briefly.

I am involved in the development and implementation of innovations.
Based on the project "ECOWALL" (Green Protection System using
waste materials  ", with which we obtained a State of California tax (Integrated Waste
Management Board), we now have the ECOOO-WALL project
ECOOO-WALL could be used in the construction of the boundary wall between the US and Mexico

The ECOWALL demonstration projects built in Austria were a complete success. 
For twenty-five years, they had neither been watered nor cared for.

Here are two photos:

ECOWALL Klagenfurt, Austria 1994

ECOWALL Völkermarkt Austria 1994

The project ECOOO-WALL as a boundary wall is characterized by the following factors that we
list here in keywords (shortly before the patent application):

- Extension of the functions of the planned "border wall".
- Integration of existing border protection systems
- Use of steel and existing materials
- Partial view through the wall
- Possibility of permanent and very fast greening
- Easy and fast transport of surveillance personnel
- Particularly economic foundation
- Extensive prefabrication of components
- Creation of many new jobs because of the manual labor in the production of
- Simultaneous start of assembly in numerous places
- Early completion of the overall project
- High cost savings (between 20 and 40 percent)

The possible next step:

Commissioning of a "feasibility study " and an " ECOOO-WALL    demonstration project " in the
San Diego area, next to the already built.
All the details of the construction, all advantages are listed and a detailed one
binding cost estimate announced.

» Let me point out that I have » read the book " TRUMP THE ART OF
SUCCESS " about twenty years ago with the utmost interest.

I will never forget the last lines of the book about you:

"What will the future bring?
There are two things in my life that I master. I always find a way
Overcome obstacles that stand in my path and I succeed, my fellow man
to motivate excellence. I want to use those skills in the future to others
to help as I have used them to achieve my own goals.
Please do not misunderstand me: For a good deal I am always available, if necessary round
around the clock. "

The following photomontage was taken in 1994 in Atlantic City on the occasion of my trip to
California because of the State of California Award (CALIFORNIA WASTE MANAGEMENT
BOARD) for the ECOWALL project developed by me:

I would be pleased to hear from you, Mr President, to personally introduce ECOOO-WALL to you, to the experts and to politicians
of all parties.

Yours sincerely

DI  Dr. Wolfgang Lederbauer
Industrial Engineer Architecture


A 1010 Wien
Dominikanerbastei 6
Tel: +43(1)512 16 84
Tel: +43 (0)664 954 52 54
e mail: wolfgang.lederbauer@a1.net

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